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We are happy to announce Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region has been awarded UNESCO World Heritage status!
We are happy to announce Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region has been awarded UNESCO World Heritage status!

Pressemitteilung -

We’ve done it! The Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region has been awarded UNESCO World Heritage status

Jubilation and relief filled the air today (6 July 2019), as the UNESCO World Heritage Committee announced its decision at 4.40 pm (local time Baku) at its 43rd session in Baku, Azerbaijan: the Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region is now a World Heritage Site. After 20 years of hard work towards World Heritage status, we have finally achieved it. Over 800 years of mining in the Erzgebirge have forged a unique relationship between man and nature, producing a cross‑border mining cultural landscape of universal value.

“The inclusion of the Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites is an outstanding achievement for the whole area. I am delighted that years of hard work and collaboration on the road to World Heritage status have finally been honoured with this title,” said Ines Hanisch-Lupaschko, CEO of Tourismusverband Erzgebirge e.V. (Erzgebirge Tourism Association)
The extraordinary value and unique character of the mining region must be protected and preserved for future generations and every effort must be made to make sure that it is never forgotten. “Tourism can have a decisive impact in this respect; the new UNESCO World Heritage Site, with its 22 component parts across two countries, has the potential to connect and unite the entire Erzgebirge region.”
Recognition as a World Heritage Site presents a unique opportunity to raise the profile of the Erzgebirge around the world and give the region new momentum for the development of tourism.

Further information will be available at the press conference on 10 July 2019 when the delegation returns from Baku. A separate invitation will follow.

Background information:

There were 35 sites on the list of nominations this year. The UNESCO World Heritage Committee comprises selected representatives from 21 nations, who decide on the applications submitted. The Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region is now on the World Heritage list, which has hitherto comprised 1,092 sites from 167 countries.

Video posts from the 43rd session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee can be viewed at https://whc.unesco.org/en/sessions/43COM/.

The Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region application, or the Verein Welterbe Montanregion Erzgebirge e.V. (World Heritage Association for the Erzgebirge Mining Region), was backed three administrative districts as well as 32 towns and communities. More than one thousand people were involved in this bottom-up project to date, from residents and association members to communities and ministry committees. The Tourismusverband Erzgebirge e.V. is proud to have been a partner in this process, representing members and supporting tourist organisations in the region.

Please see the digital press map on the Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region World Heritage Site for comprehensive information and images:


All the relevant tourist information is also available as usual from the Tourismusverband Erzgebirge e.V. homepage:




Über den Tourismusverband Erzgebirge e.V.

Der Tourismusverband Erzgebirge e.V. ist die Dachorganisation für die nationale und internationale Vermarktung der Reiseregion Erzgebirge. Ausgezeichnete Rad-& Wanderwege, Wintersportmöglichkeiten, über 800 Jahre Bergbautradition, weltbekannte Weihnachtsbräuche & Handwerkskunst sowie historische Dampfeisenbahnen: Wer in das Erzgebirge im Süden Sachsens aufbricht, lernt eine zweite Heimat kennen – die Erlebnisheimat. Modern und traditionell, mit Geschichte und Geschichten!


Pressekontakt | Claudia Brödner

Pressekontakt | Claudia Brödner

Pressekontakt +49 (0)3733 188 00-23


Der Tourismusverband Erzgebirge e.V. ist die Dachorganisation für die nationale und internationale Vermarktung der Reiseregion Erzgebirge. Die Region vermarktet sich als vom Bergbau geprägte Erlebnisheimat, sie bietet Besuchern mehr als 100 Freizeiteinrichtungen und Museen. Das Erzgebirge verfügt über Unterkünfte mit knapp über 30.000 Betten insgesamt, zwei Drittel davon im gewerblichen Bereich, ein Drittel in Häusern mit weniger als zehn Betten.

Tourismusverband Erzgebirge e.V.

Adam-Ries-Straße 16
09456 Annaberg-Buchholz